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So what is Frederick/Fascial Stretch Therapy?
I'm glad you asked!
Chris Frederick, Co-Director of the Stretch to Win Institute, explains: "FST is a science based system of movement based stretching. Assessments of function and mobility determine the specific parameters of stretching to be applied in order to achieve positive outcomes in client function. As a consequence of improving client function, pain may be eliminated or improve.”
What this looks like is dynamic stretching that is proven by science to improve how the client moves and feels without causing pain. It’s performed by a Certified FST Provider who performs a series of stretches after an initial assessment that will tell the therapist which direction(s) to go during the session. The client can also inform the therapist about any problem areas that they would like to focus on.
A few things that FST can do for the client:
+ Improve Range of Motion without Decreasing Strength
+ Reduce or Eliminate Pain
+ Improve Sleep and Recovery
+ Improve Posture
+ Improve Circulation
+ Decrease Stress
Each session is typically one hour and consists of stretches that are based on the client’s self-described problem areas as well as the therapist’s findings during the assessment and duration of the session. Each session can be completely different than the last and can be entirely lower body, entirely upper body, or a combination of the two. Best of all, FST is designed to be PAIN FREE!! You will feel a great stretch that is pain free and relaxing. Don’t believe me? Want to schedule a session or get more information? Email me at
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